世纪水利 南水北调 中文版 中国创造系列 出版时间: 2013年版 内容简介 中国正走在伟大的民族复兴之路上,中国的发展道路已比较明晰。十八大报告提出“实施创新驱动发展战略”,“坚持走中国特色自主创新道路”,“把全社会智慧和力量凝聚到创新发展上来”。在将来的发展道路上,“中国创造”的理念将逐渐取代“中国制造”而为世界所广泛认知。中国发展的自身实力,我们会借鉴外国先进技术,但更主要靠自己的努力。本丛书紧密结合目前的社会发展形势,及时反映中国当下社会各方面的积极成就,特别是具有创造精神和创造力的工程、企业、现象等,力图全面、完整地解析中国最具有代表性的、最新的创造性的成果。丛书包括六个分册:《世纪水利:南水北调》《中国速度:高速列车和高铁》《海底奇迹:厦门海底隧道》《能源输送“高速公路”:西气东输》《太空中的中国神舟:中国航空航天》和《改变世界的种子:中国农业的创新》。 目录 Foreword Water Resource Situations in China: North China with Water Scarcity vs.South China with Water Surplus 1.Three Basic Features ofChina's Water Resources 2.Water Resources as a Bottleneck for Economic and Social Development of North China 3.Advantages ofWater Resources along the Yangtze River 4.South—North Water Diversion Project as the Inevitable Choice for China Plannng and Design: Three Water Diversion Routes to Form the Pattern of "Four Horizontals and Three Verticals" 1.Five Decades' Planning and Study 2.Repeated Comparison and Scientific Demonstration with theParticipation ofabout 6,000 People 3.Final Decision Making 4.Eastern Route Planning 5.Central Route Planning 6.Western Route Planning Project Construction: Endeavor and Devotion of Numerous Constructors 1.Construction ofthe Eastern Route 2.Construction ofKey Works for the Central Route 3.Construction of Supporting Works for the Central Route Relocation of Displaced People: The "Most Difficult" Endeavor 1.Resettlement of330,000 People along the Central Route 2.Problems: Three Major Conflicts before Resettlement 3.Innovation: Management Mode for New Land Requisition andResettlement 4.Development: Village—based Society Management after Resettlement 5.Spirit: "Overwhelming Spirituality" against the Backdrop of Modern Society Cultural Heritage Protection: Prospective Actions 1.Overview: Over 900 Cultural Relics in Need ofProtection 2.Rescue ofCultural Relics: Initiation ofjoint Protective Action 3.Achievements: Protection of Cultural Relics and Restoration of Civilization 4.Future: Reproduction ofthe Historical Features ofAncient Culture Pollution Control: A Decade's Worth of Comprehensive Ecotogical Management 1.Miracles in Pollution Control along the Eastern Route 2.Reservoir Areas along the Central Route: Establishing a Long—term Mechanism and Maintaining Water Quality at Class Ⅱ Miracles Made through Innovation: Strength to Solve Extremely Difficult Problems in the World 1.Records Broken in the South—North Water Diversion Project 2.Financing Innovation: "Static Control and Dynamic Management" 3.Ecological Benefits: An Ecological Tourism Belt Longer than 1,000 KM to be Constructed along the Route Overview: Growing Benefits for the Good of the Chinese Nation --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.